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Vix Alert, volatility index





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



Vix Alert, volatility index(圖1)-速報App

VIX is the ticker symbol for the Chicago Board of Exchange Volatility Index. VIX is an index which provides a general indication on the expected level of volatility ( implied volatility) in the US market (S&P 500 index) over the next 30 days.

VIX becomes so important now.

When volatility surged, something big happened, you want to know ASAP.

For example, on October 24, 2008, the VIX reached an intraday high of 89.53.

Vix Alert, volatility index(圖2)-速報App

During the 1987 market crash, going into October 19th, the VIX index had ramped up 70% within 10 days.

Our servers monitor VIX a few times per minute, as soon as we detect a large move of VIX, we will send a push alert.

The VIX is a key measure of market expectations in the near term. For almost 20 years, the VIX has been considered as a valuable barometer of investor sentiment and volatility. Another way to look at it, is that it measures perceived risks of investors. The greater the perceived risks investors have about stocks, the more they buy "protection Put options", which means that the VIX will therefore be moving higher. When the VIX moves higher, the market moves lower because they are inversely related.

What is important is that the VIX moves up during times of uncertainty or fear, and down during times of greed or confidence. Since the VIX moves in the opposite direction of the market, you can know what to expect for upcoming market movements by observing what is happening to the VIX.

Vix Alert, volatility index(圖3)-速報App

VIX is especially important in options trading because volatility can make or break certain options strategies.

Stay informed, stay alert.